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Group of Companies   Online Application   
Ru En
+7 495 411-94-36 Moscow
+7 812 326-80-08 St.Petersburg
+7 843 200-94-66 Kazan
+7 8793 404-466 Pyatigorsk
+7 383 363-13-23 Novosibirsk
+7 343 286-83-94 Yekaterinburg

About the Group of Companies TechnoProgress

Group of Companies TechnoProgress provides expert consulting services in the field of industrial safety in the drawing up of the required documents for supervisory authorities. TechnoProgress provides certification of products and equipment, industrial safety assessment, environmental assessment. 

The expert center TechnoProgress provides the industrial safety assessment of design documentation for the expansion, modernization, conservation and abandonment of hazardous production facilities; provides expert advice on the registration of Electrical Laboratories when applying for: railway licenses, licenses from Rostekhnadzor, licenses from EMERCOM (fire license) and operating permits (permits from RTN). 

The Ecological Safety Center develops sections of pre-project documentation, passports for waste of the I-IV  classes of hazard, programs of environment monitoring, conducts environmental audits, and provides expert consulting assistance and makes recommendations on obtaining licenses to handle hazardous waste and permits issued by RTN for trans-boundary shipment. In addition, the experts of the center have extensive experience in the preparation of documentation for the state EA (environmental assessment). Environmental Assessment is the compliance identification of the documentation for planned economic and other activities with environmental requirements. 

Licenses from RTN and operating permits (permits from RTN) are the necessary documents for the operation of hazardous production facilities of various industries. The experts will advise you on how to receive Operating Permits (from RTN) and licenses from RTN; will provide expert assistance in the drawing up and maintenance of documents, which guarantees high quality of services which will allow you to obtain operating permits and licenses from RTN in no time.

Customers opinions

All the activities necessary to implement the work on the preparation and maintenance of documents for obtaining an Operating Permit for technical devices have been made in a professional manner and within due time. We thank TechnoProgress for the strict observance of the contractual obligations. We hope for further cooperation.

Our clients

We have successfully performed work at the facilities of the following companies



OAO "RETZ Energy"


"Kirovsky factory"


"Gazpromneft NNGGF", Noyabrsk town